فارسی عربي

Let's catch brown bear, cubs in Iran

Here is a heartwarming video of a brown bear and her two cubs in Iran taking the internet by storm.


Here is a heartwarming video of a brown bear and her two cubs in Iran taking the internet by storm.

The video, captured by a nature photographer and videographer in the Iranian province of Golestan, shows the trio walking in the forest, with the cubs playfully following their mother.

The video has attracted the attention of animal lovers and nature enthusiasts alike, who have been captivated by the adorable sight of the cubs. 

Abulfazl, who has been photographing and filming wildlife for over a decade, was thrilled to capture such a unique moment on camera. He explained that it was a rare opportunity to witness the bears in their natural habitat and to document their behavior.

The video highlights the importance of protecting wildlife and their habitats. Brown bears are an endangered species, and their numbers have been declining due to habitat loss. 
